California USA Dedicated Server
The best and cheaper Dedicate Server's in USA.
The Dedicated server in California (USA) of Aweb provide the performance, security and total control you were looking! Buy online the most efficient and cheap Dedicated server in USA datacenter with Ip address in USA for your company!

Dual CPU Server's

You need more disk? You need more speed? You need machine with different specs for your personal or company? For any special request send us a ticket Here..!

We can build your own server to your own needs.

Server Model Processor Speed Memory Hard Drives Bandwidth

USA 2 x Intel Xeon E5-2643 V3 32Gb 2000SATA

2 x Xeon Xeon E5-2643 V3 2 x 6C / 12T - 3,4 GHz 32 GB DDR 4 2000 GB Single SATA HDD Unlimited (at 100 Mbps share internet)
1 Month @
81 .00 EUR
50.00 EUR Setup Fee

USA 2xE5-2680 V3 128Gb 2000 SATA

2 x Xeon E5-2680 V3 2 x 12C / 24T - 2.5 GHz
128 GB DDR 4 2000 GB Single SATA HDD Unlimited (at 100 Mbps share internet)
1 Month @
152 .00 EUR
50.00 EUR Setup Fee